iMac Repair -Hard Drives

Store more music, photos, videos and files with a new hard drive upgrade. If your current drive is slow or clicking, a new hard drive can restore functionality to your Mac. Computer repair Dallas can fix and upgrade your hard drive with a reasonable cost.

imPricing Includes:
Installation of the new drive and transfer of your data. If your current drive is failing, a new operating system is installed.

Windows data may not be transferred.

Data recovery options are available.
Your old hard drive is returned to you.


1TB 7200RPM SATA 199$

2TB 7200RPM SATA $249

3TB 7200RPM SATA $299

4TB 7200RPM SATA $399



2629 N STemmons Fwy #106

Dallas Texas 75207

Call โ€“ ย 214-920-4907